follow routines, words embrace routines

Follow Routines For a Simpler Life

Did you know it’s estimated that the average person makes a whopping 33,000 decisions per day? It sounds insane, but when you consider all the minute decisions we make—like whether to hit the snooze button, what to eat for breakfast, what to wear, and how to style our hair—it becomes clear why we often feel…

spring reset, the word spring with flowers

Spring into Action with a Spring Reset

Spring, a season of fresh starts and rebirth, is the perfect time for a reset. As nature awakens, with flowers blooming and animals coming out of hibernation, we find ourselves emerging from winter, ready for new beginnings. A spring reset is about more than a deep clean or decluttering our spaces. It’s about resetting our…

simple living books, books on table

Top 5 Minimalism and Simple Living Books for Parents

Taking steps towards simpler living and minimalism as a parent can be a transformative experience that brings clarity, joy, and meaningful moments into our lives. It’s great that so much valuable information is freely available to us at all times. However, this abundance of information can be overwhelming. Organising various bits of information scattered across…

things i don't buy, child bedroom

Things I Don’t Buy as a Minimalist Mum (Toddler Edition, age 1-2)

As a mother and a minimalist, navigating the changing needs of my toddler presents a unique set of challenges. With each new milestone and developing skill, numerous products and services are marketed to us, promising to simplify parenthood or enhance our child’s happiness. However, the reality of parenthood can be vastly different from our idealised…